Step One

    Daylight gathers, resources you need; wood and stone, plant your survival seed.

Step Two

    Build a shelter, protect your behind; dirt or wood hut, something simple, you'll find.

Step Three

    3. Light it up, with torches so bright; keep the darkness at bay throughout the night.

Step Four

    4. Stay indoors when the sun takes its leave. Hostile mobs roam, so don't be naive.

Step Five

    5. Craft better tools, as you stay by your flame; stone picks and swords, in this nighttime game.

Step Six

    6. Mine for resources, with a staircase down low; iron and coal, make your arsenal grow.

Step Seven

    7. Keep watch through the window, it's not just a dream; creepers and zombies, lurk in the moon's gleam.

Step Eight

    8. Manage your hunger, don't let it decline. Eat meat, bread, or veggies, to feel just fine.

Step Nine

    9. Plan for the morning, your time to explore; organize your gear, as you've done before.

Step Ten

    10. When the sun rises, step out in the light. Armed and prepared, you'll be alright!